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Registration Forms

Homeschool Discovery Days

October 18: Creepy Crawly Critters at Shor Park

November 15: Turkey Time at Clingman Park

February 21: Sap to Syrup at Pattison Park- REGISTRATION FULL

March 21: Spring, Spring, Spring at Hartman Cabin- REGISTRATION FULL

April 18: Watching the Wildflowers at Sycamore Park- REGISTRATION FULL

May 16: Creek Crawl at Kathryn Stagge-Marr Park

Join us on the 3rd Fridays of each month to learn something new with your homeschooler! We focus on hand-on activities and spending time exploring nature. This outdoor program is held rain or shine. Registrants will be emailed at least 2 hours before if we need to cancel due to severe weather.

Sessions are held from 1-2 p.m. for each topic. Ages 5 to 13. Free, pre-registration required. Questions or comments? Email


* indicates required field

* Only 9 spaces left!

First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Confirm Email Address
Number of Adults
Number of Children
Ages of Children


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